Midtown Manhattan 36 W 44th St Ste 1416 New York, NY 10036

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

Carpal tunnel syndrome treatment is totally successful if you catch the condition in time. Your Manhattan wrist specialist provides the best treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome once a firm diagnosis is made. Don’t wait for the pain to get worse before accepting carpal tunnel syndrome treatments. You could end up with permanent nerve damage. Make your appointment today. Come see the clinic and meet our pain management doctor in New York City Dr. Melepura. He is among the best sports pain management specialists in NYC.

    Carpal Tunnel SyndromeCarpal tunnel syndrome is a common wrist injury that has become more and more recognized and treatable. The condition causes wrist pain, a numb feeling in your hand to your fingers and tingling that sometimes travels down your arm. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve on the back of your hand gets compressed or squeezed.
    It’s important to get a firm diagnosis in Midtown Manhattan by your sports and pain management team of doctors. Without swift treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, the condition gets worse. One outcome from untreated carpal tunnel is permanent nerve damage.

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatments Begin with a Professional Diagnosis

    The tiny passageway inside the back of your hand is called the carpal tunnel. It’s the space through which your flexor tendons and median nerve travel through. It’s about an inch in diameter. Because it’s such a vital protector, the walls of the tunnel are relatively rigid and not easily stretched or enlarged.

    When tissues in the tunnel become inflamed or swollen, pressure is put on the tendon, which in turn presses on the nerve, causing pain. Your Manhattan physician relies on a thorough history to diagnose your discomfort and develop a carpal tunnel syndrome treatment plan. Risk factors that may lead to a carpel tunnel diagnosis include:
    • You may have inherited an abnormally small tunnel, which can lead to hand and wrist pain no matter what steps you take to prevent it. This is a vital piece of information, so make sure you tell your doctor if other family members have had similar symptoms.
    • Hormonal changes can lead to swelling, which may cause temporary pain in your hands. This isn’t something that necessarily requires extensive carpal tunnel syndrome treatment, but it’s best to consult your doctor about it anyway.
    • Hand use. If you have a job that demands repetitive hand motions, such as working at a computer all day, you’re at risk for needing carpal tunnel syndrome treatment. Participation in athletics such as gymnastics and cycling may cause you to need the professional assistance of a New York sports physician.
    • Hand positions. When your job or fitness activity demands flexing and extension for long periods of time, the stress weakens the carpel tunnel, making it less effective in protecting your nerves.

    I received excellent service and I appreciated the patience shown by Dr. Melepura to explain every step of the process with me. The office was very clean and I was very impressed. Thank you Dr. Melepura.

    Marie Pascal

    Symptoms Can Come on Slowly

    You may not recognize the beginning tell-tale signs of carpel tunnel syndrome. But after an injury or after prolonged wear and tear, you should be aware of its possibility. Most people report that painful symptoms were intermittent for a long time. Eventually, however, the pain happens more frequently and lasts for longer periods of time.

    Specific symptoms include:

    • Sudden painful shocks that take you by surprise every once in a while. The pain usually starts by radiating to your ring, index and middle fingers.
    • Clumsy feelings causing you to drop things more often. You may not even be aware of your hand as it becomes weak or numb.
    • Burning, numbness, pain and tingling sensations that typically first start on your three central fingers.
    • Difficulty performing fine motor skills like buttoning your shirt, due to finger weakness.
    • Pain that wakes you up during the night.

    Your NYC Medical Exam

    To give you a definitive diagnosis that excludes wrist tendonitis as the source of your pain, your doctor may:

    • Press down on the back of your hand to see how bad it hurts.
    • Flex and bend your wrists to test for tingling or numbness in one or both hands.
    • Check to see if the muscles around your thumb have become weakened or atrophied.
    • Lightly stick your fingertips while you close your eyes to test for sensitivity.

    Once he suspects carpel tunnel syndrome, further tests may be needed. These may include:

    • Electromyogram (EMG)
    • Nerve conduction studies
    • X-rays
    • Ultrasound
    • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan

    Carpal Tunnel Treatment NYC

    Carpal tunnel syndrome treatments usually begin with lifestyle modifications that may include adjusting your workstation, getting more ergonomic working tools or modifying the way you play your games and hobbies. Other non-surgical carpal tunnel syndrome treatments include:

    • Splinting or bracing, which holds the tunnel in place, giving it time to heal
    • Taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve inflammation and pain
    • Doing exercises that target the gliding motions in your hands
    • Getting injections of steroids

    You should feel better within six to eight weeks after starting non-invasive treatments. But if the pain persists, or worsens, you may be a candidate for surgery, known as a carpal tunnel release. As with most conditions that limit your activity levels, a carpal tunnel doctor in your area prefers to get you back in your game completely with little or no after-effects.

    Do you have any questions about the carpal tunnel treatment in NYC? Would you like to schedule an appointment with the best rated wrist doctor Febin Melepura MD of sports injury clinic NYC? Please contact our office for consultation with the top pain relief specialist in Midtown Manhattan.

    Page Updated on Jan 24, 2025 by Dr. Melepura (Pain Management Doctor) of Sports Injury & Pain Management Clinic of New York Sports Injury & Pain Management Clinic of New York
    36 W 44th St #1416
    New York, NY 10036
    (212) 621-7746
    Sports Injury and Pain Management Doctor NYC - Febin Melepura, MD

    Febin Melepura, MD is a top rated, best in class interventional pain management doctor. He is a nationally recognized pain relief specialist and is among the top pain care doctors in New York City and the country. He is an award winning expert and contributor to a prominent media outlets.

    Dr. Febin Melepura has been recognized for his thoughtful, thorough, modern approach to treating chronic pain and, among other accolades, has been named a “top pain management doctor in New York”, and one of “America’s Top Doctors™” for an advanced sports injury treatments.

    More About Dr. Melepura

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